Subrecipient Monitoring Assistance

Provide proper stewardship of grant funds with subrecipient monitoring.

CLA can help you assess your subrecipient monitoring processes and procedures to confirm you’re in compliance and providing the appropriate level of oversight.

What’s on your mind?

  • Complete subaward agreement
  • Appropriate risk assessment analysis
  • Documenting subrecipient monitoring policies
  • Finding the right balance of monitoring that makes sense
  • Balancing monitoring activities with other day-to-day tasks

Experience our client-focused approach

Federal regulations require the prime recipient of grant funds to develop and implement appropriate monitoring of subawards. We’ll work with your organization to navigate these complex rules to determine what critical elements may be missing from your current subrecipient monitoring procedures and make suggestions on how they can be improved.

Our professionals have experience serving grant applicants and recipients, including nonprofits, higher education institutions, and state and local governments. If you already have subrecipient monitoring procedures in place, we have the experience and resources to make sure they’re carried out effectively.

Subrecipient monitoring assistance services

After gaining an understanding of your current subrecipient procedures and policies, we’ll help implement the necessary changes to support compliance with OMB regulations. This can include any of the following:

  • Subaward agreement review
    CLA can help draft a subaward agreement template, or we can review the subaward agreements to verify they are complete with all necessary information as required by regulations.
  • Subrecipient risk assessment review
    We can work with your organization to confirm that a complete risk assessment analysis of your subrecipients was properly performed to determine the appropriate monitoring procedures.
  • Subrecipient monitoring process development
    CLA can help develop subrecipient monitoring processes, including creating a fiscal monitoring tool based on applicable monitoring standards for program subrecipients. We’ll discuss an appropriate monitoring plan, including on-site or desk fiscal monitoring review.
  • Subrecipient monitoring — report and invoice review
    CLA can help perform subrecipient monitoring processes, including facilitating the transfer of fiscal reports and reviewing and verifying subrecipient invoices are in compliance and have the required information and documentation.
  • Subrecipient monitoring — fiscal reviews
    Based on the risk assessment of the subrecipient and planned monitoring, CLA can help with either on-site or desk fiscal reviews of selected subrecipients.

Experience the CLA Promise
