Are you ready for the first wave of Paycheck Protection Program loan forgiveness? CLA can come alongside you for this important step in the process.
Key insights
- As Paycheck Protection Program loan recipients are thinking about loan forgiveness, many are finding they need support.
- The forgiveness application and related support package is the most important step in the process.
- Whether you need just a short consultation or full support throughout the process, we’re here to help.
Would you like to talk with an advisor?
It’s been a privilege to be a strategic advisor
to our clients for the CARES Act-Paycheck Protection Program (PPP). We’ve worked
in all areas of the program, from interpreting the ever-changing guidance to assisting with the PPP loan application and documentation. We’ve also assisted organizations in making the most of benefits allowed under the program
while providing guidance to help them understand the risk landscape.
Are you ready for forgiveness?
The forgiveness application and related support package is the most important step in the process. Make sure you are ready for the first wave of forgiveness.
Use the table below to see the different ways CLA can help you and your company. Pick a service plan that matches your needs:
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*If you are currently a client and working with CLA under a different arrangement, you may continue under the arrangement you have in place. Hourly consulting services are available for clients as requested.
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