Sage Intacct for Tech Companies: Is Your Accounting System Doing Enough?

  • Sage
  • 9/11/2024
Business woman study financial market

Sage Intacct can help tech companies save time through automated reporting, subscription management, and integration with key third-party systems.

Accumulating significant revenue is an exciting stage for a growing tech company. You’ve invested the time and effort into building a business and service, but do you have the tools you need to manage your growth? Is your tech stack automating processes so you can focus on developing the business, or are you losing valuable hours tracking information in Excel and manually processing transactions?

Sage Intacct can help. With a focus on the industry and a top-tier approach to developing their offerings — including within their internal system and partner marketplace — our goal is to get the system doing the hard work so you can focus on your business’s greater success.

Sage Intacct takes a modular approach that can grow with you. Maybe today your focus is on easy reporting for your investors, but your growing sales will soon require deferred revenue waterfall reports and subscription management. Our goal is to setup the foundation today to grow with your organization.

What are some areas Sage Intacct can help you with?

Sage Intacct’s reporting capabilities for tech companies

Sage Intacct takes a dimensional approach to its architecture and reporting. You’re setup with a clean, simple Chart of Accounts that can be enhanced with the use of dimensions like Department, Class, Customer, Item (Product), and as add-ons Projects and/or Contracts. These dimensions allow you to slice and dice your data in unlimited ways. Learn more about Dimension groups and reporting. 

Do you have multiple entities in separate QuickBooks files? Sage Intacct can bring those into one place, automate intercompany transactions, and run consolidated reporting with the push of a button.

Other great reports that can be created include Revenue by Customer, Revenue by Customer by Product. Want to track costs related to a development project for a product? Then see a P&L when revenue comes in for that Project and Product? Sage can do that, too.

Sage Intacct comes with a library of standard reports, but with a user-friendly report writing tool, creating custom reports is straightforward and allows you to create what’s really important to your business. Check out some sample Sage Intacct reports:

Sage Intacct for tech companies

Sage Intacct for tech companies

Sage Intacct’s subscription management

Subscription management is another key area for a growing tech organization, but it can often get overlooked with Excel’s many spreadsheets and high risk of missed activity.

Using either the standard Order Entry module or expanding into Contracts (ASC 606 compliant), Sage Intacct can manage your sales activities with workflows, including automated billing and revenue schedules.

Do you invoice annually but need to recognize revenue monthly? Not a problem. Have an evergreen contract renewing monthly? Sage can handle that, too. With the out-of-the-box deferred revenue and billing forecast reports, it’s easy to review what’s coming up and schedule postings instead of manually managing next steps.

Sage Intacct for tech companies

Sage Intacct’s additional third-party integration capabilities

Sage Intacct also is very useful with third party integrations:

  • Is Salesforce your CRM? Maybe the advanced CRM integration to automate sales transaction entries in Sage Intacct based on a closed won opportunities is important to you.
  • Do you have sales tax exposure and need an advanced tax tool like Avalara? That can easily be integrated to automate sales tax calculations based on customer jurisdictions.
  • Do you have a lot of team members who travel and need an easy expense management tool like Expensify to integrate? Sage Intacct can do that, too.

How CLA can help with Sage Intacct

Sage Intacct and CLA are focused on offering you powerful reports through Sage Intacct’s many capabilities but also using integrated tools for even more efficient reporting. Learn more at our upcoming webinar You Have Revenue, Now What? How to Streamline Your Growth as a Tech Company, or contact us to learn more about Sage Intacct.

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