At the start of a New Year, you may have just begun transacting within Sage Intacct. Like getting a new pair of sneakers, it helps to dedicate some time to “brea...
At the start of a New Year, you may have just begun transacting within Sage Intacct. Like getting a new pair of sneakers, it helps to dedicate some time to “break-in” and get comfortable with your new environment. Despite the extensive training and testing of the system prior to your go live date, it probably feels different now that you are only operating within Intacct. How can we help support you through this transition? Here are 10 simple tips to customize your Intacct experience.
Default Attachment Folders
Intacct allows you to set specific default attachment folders by user. These folders help to keep all of your uploaded documents nicely organized. Once activated, this preference will auto-populate the folder field anywhere you need to add attachments. For example, an AP Clerk using the Account Payable Module may want to set this preference in order to maintain a central file for adding bills. To set the default attachment folder, click on your user name in the top right corner and select “My preferences”. Scroll down until you reach the “Display” section, look for “Default attachment folder” and select (or Add) a folder to store all of the attachments.
Records Display
Customize the quantity of records displayed on your screen. I personally am not a big fan of tabbing through pages upon pages of records! Thankfully, Intacct gives you the option to set the number of records displayed for list screens, thus enabling you to scroll through a list. To do this, click on “My Preferences” and scroll down until you reach the “Display” section. Then look for “records per page”. (Helpful tip: I prefer to set mine to the largest number possible).
Vendor list with default number records per page:
Vendor list with 999 records per page:
Custom List Views
Let’s say your AP Clerk needs a custom view of AP Bills which displays all bills pending approval. In any list view, Intacct enables you to customize which columns are displayed and filter on those columns. To do this, click on “Manage views”, then “Create new View”.
Follow the easy 5 step process to customize your columns, select the order in which they will appear, filter, and set the sort order. Finally, name your view and share it with your coworkers. Check out CLA’s Sage Intacct Spark #11 for some clever custom List views that might work for you.
Favorites Menu
Intacct allows you to build your own Favorites Menu. The Star Icon in the top Left corner of your Intacct Screen is a shortcut to your Favorites Menu. To add an object to your favorites menu, simply click on the star outline located to the right of the object you want to add. You can reorder the menu by simply dragging and dropping each object into your preferred position.
Email Notifications
You can customize the email notifications you receive from Intacct. Do you want to be notified when a Journal Entry is submitted for approval? Maybe you submitted a Purchase Order and would like to know when it has been approved. Customize your notifications so Intacct will email you if a recurring transaction fails, when a transaction is waiting on your approval, or when a Purchase Order has been approved, etc.
Upload Templates
You can streamline your data entry processes by utilizing a template for uploading into Intacct. Manually entering a long list of new vendors can be very time consuming! Increase efficiency and save time by getting familiar with Intacct import templates. Each module is configured to accept imports in CSV format only. Check out CLA’s Sage Intacct Spark #9 for importing Best Practices.
Favorite Reports
Build your own Favorite Reports List within Intacct and save yourself the time you would spend searching for them. Put together a frequently used list of reports, so that you can favorite them in the Report Center. Go to “Reports”, then “Report Center”, and place a star next to the report(s) you want to save as a favorite.
Customized Dashboards
Create and customize your own Dashboard. Dashboards are great for presenting information in one easy to use Interface. Intacct comes with preloaded Dashboards that you can duplicate and modify. It can be difficult to design a custom Dashboard, so make it easier on yourself and duplicate an existing Dashboard that covers most of your immediate needs. You can add or edit specific components to better suit your needs, without having to build a new Dashboard from scratch. Check out our CLA's own Kathy Jastrzebski’s post on how to elevate your Sage Intacct Dashboards for more tips.
Start Page
With Intacct, you can set a specific Start Page to load each time you login. This setting will determine which module opens first every time you log into Intacct. No more having to Navigate through the Application Menu to find the right module to start your work day. You can even set the start page to a Dashboard you recently created. This tip is especially useful for increasing user adoption amongst users who are not routinely logging in to Intacct but are primarily interested in seeing a dashboard of information without having to learn Intacct’s navigation.
Intacct Community
Join the Intacct Community, user groups, and attend meetups. The Intacct Community is your premiere source for finding support from other Sage Intacct users. You can find help when you need it, and gain the knowledge to improve your operations. Definitely, a first stop for any Sage Intacct troubleshooting. Many Intacct users join local user groups to network, collaborate, and interact with Intacct peers. Intacct’s regional customer Meetups provide great opportunities to learn from other Sage Intacct customers as they share their professional experiences and best practices.
These 10 tips will help ease your transition into Intacct and feel like your favorite gym shoes in no time!
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