Nonprofit FAQs on Employee Retention Credits and links to a few upcoming sessions we are excited to be part of to share more.
I recently asked a client how many phone calls, emails, and LinkedIn messages she gets a week about Employee Retention Credits. “At least a dozen- sometimes that many a day,” she remarked. I’m sure many of you feel the same.
That said, many organizations are legitimately eligible- and the sums of money can be significant. We recently spent time with our client, Propel Nonprofits, to talk about ERC and how nonprofits can best navigate the opportunity, while avoiding some of the less-than-credible providers out there.
Check out this guest blog we wrote with Propel, and if wanting more nonprofit-specific information and examples, consider joining us for the virtual Nonprofit Finance and Sustainability Conference March 28 and 30 hosted by Propel and the Minnesota Council of Nonprofits for our ERC session alongside many other great sessions.
Alternatively, you can tune into CLA’s Employee Retention Credit webinar for organizations and businesses of all types on March 1.
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