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The Boys & Girls Clubs of America Leadership Exchange 2023 HR/Finance + Technology Exchange is two full days dedicated to linking Club Finance, HR, and Technology professionals with industry thought leaders.
Don’t miss these sessions presented by CLA professionals:
Nonprofit Investment and Reserves Policies: How to Strategically Plan for Reserves and Align Your Investment Policy
Monday, August 21 | 3:10 – 4 p.m.
Presenters: Kelsey Vatsaas and Steve Powers
When an organization’s resources grow, developing nonprofit reserve funds and investment strategies that align with the opportunities in front of you can help your organization thoughtfully balance the urgency of today with the needs of future constituents.
Join this session to gain knowledge and insight to help you understand the purpose of reserves, learn how to develop reserve strategies that support your strategic plans, and get ideas for how to manage cash and investments accordingly.
Nonprofit Dashboards: Using Visuals to Enhance Your Decision-Making
Monday, August 21 | 4:10 – 5 p.m.
Presenters: Doug Wells and Ben Aase
What are some key trends on data in the nonprofit industry? How can Clubs use board-specific reporting and data standardization to improve your data management process? Join this session to see and share examples — and identify new ways to use data to manage and govern your Club.
Reporting Changes: Lease Standards, In-Kinds, and SAS 142, 143, 145
Tuesday, August 22 | 8:30 – 10 a.m.
Presenters: Jackie Eckman and Devn Edmundson
Join this session for a refresher on recent accounting standard changes that are impacting all nonprofit organizations. This includes the lease standard change under ASC 842 and the in-kind standard from ASU 2020-07 for contributed nonfinancial assets. Additionally, we will preview what we know about upcoming audit standard changes under SAS 142, 143, and 145 and how they may impact your Club.
Top 3 Nonprofit Finance Risks: Systems, Turnover, and Internal Controls
Tuesday, August 22 | 10:10 – 11 a.m.
Presenters: Doug Wells and Kelsey Vatsaas
Clubs face risks every day, and your organizations have become adept at navigating an ever-changing risk environment. Join this interactive discussion about three key finance-related risks and what active steps you might take to mitigate them.