Jack Reagan Joins CliftonLarsonAllen State and Local Government Practice

  • CLA happenings
  • 11/26/2012
Jack Reagan

John (Jack) Reagan, CPA, has joined the firm as a partner in the Northeastern region’s state and local government practice.

Jack Reagan Joins CliftonLarsonAllen State and Local Government Practice

Arlington, Virginia ― November 26, 2012 — CliftonLarsonAllen, ranked as one of the nation’s top 10 certified public accounting and consulting firms, today announced John (Jack) Reagan, CPA, has joined the firm as a partner in the Northeastern region’s state and local government practice.

We are thrilled Jack has joined CliftonLarsonAllen. He has an impressive background with a primary focus on serving state and local government entities, which will be a great benefit to the clients of our firm,” said Pat Byer, partner-in-charge of the firm’s Washington region. “We are eager to leverage Jack’s knowledge and experience, particularly in the Commonwealth of Virginia, where he has worked for many years.”

Reagan has more than 23 years of experience providing auditing and consulting services in the governmental area. Prior to joining CliftonLarsonAllen, he provided technical accounting, auditing, and reporting guidance to federal, state, and local governments; higher education institutions; nonprofit entities; and health care audit teams for KPMG LLP. He has served various state and local government entities, including Fairfax County, Loudoun County, the City of Alexandria, City of Nashville, and Knox County, Tennessee. He also recently taught a series of classes at the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University and is a frequent speaker at government-related conferences for the American Institute of CPAs, Association of Government Accountants, and other organizations. He is a member of the Association of Government Accountants, Government Finance Officers Association, National Association of Black Accountants, and Association of School Business Officials.

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