Private Business Owners

Grow and protect your business by collaborating with professionals who have walked a mile in your entrepreneurial shoes.

Let’s turn challenges into opportunities

Small- to medium-sized business owners often find themselves at critical crossroads. You’ve found success, but how do you take your company to the next level? You have much to consider: attracting and retaining a strong workforce and leadership team, the cash flow and profitability of your business, meeting the needs of your customers, and enhancing operational efficiency. And this doesn’t even consider that you also need to protect yourself and your family, since your wealth is tied to your private business. But our team can provide customized services to address these and other common concerns faced by private business owners like you.

We provide a fresh perspective

Businesses have different needs throughout their different lifecycles. The accounting and consulting services you need when you’re a startup are vastly different once you’ve taken your business to the next level — but with success comes growing pains. We understand that growing the value of a business and reaching your personal goals are interconnected, which results in more complex audit, tax, wealth advisoryconsulting, and outsourcing needs year over year.

Many of our professionals have owned and grown their own businesses just like you, so their experience, combined with their deep industry specialization, allows them to connect the dots for you between business management, governance, and your personal financial plan to ease today’s pain points and plan for a brighter future.

By the numbers




years in business


locations with global reach through CLA Global


privately held businesses and their owners served

We’ll help you with what matters most