Loan Review

Get a risk management solution that is cost-effective, adds value, and helps your institution satisfy regulators.

CliftonLarsonAllen helps financial institutions determine where they may be at risk and finds opportunities to improve their entire lending functions.

Why is an independent loan review important?

Loans typically represent the greatest level of risk on your balance sheet. Many regulators are therefore suggesting that financial institutions implement an independent loan review function. Utilizing a reputable third party is a cost-effective solution that can satisfy the regulator’s request and costs less than hiring more staff.

CliftonLarsonAllen’s risk management consultants give you an independent, unbiased assessment of your lending practices and the inherent risk in both individual loans and your loan portfolio as a whole.

Experience our client-focused approach

CLA evaluates your underwriting, credit administration, pricing policies, strategies, and methodologies to provide you with best practice recommendations that add value and improve your entire lending function.

Our loan review solution will help you determine whether:

  • Loan policies and procedures are adequate
  • Underwriting policies, procedures, and methodology conform to current accounting standards, regulatory guidelines, and best practices within the industry
  • Loan officers are maintaining adequate documentation in the loan files required by your underwriting policies and sound industry practices
  • Loans are being properly risk rated in a timely manner
  • There are any larger loans that require closer management attention to prevent or minimize the amount of losses incurred
  • There are opportunities to improve the performance of any individual loan officers or your lending function as a whole

Loan review services for financial institutions

You’ll receive a credit risk review report that includes a rating of your institution’s level of risk, documentation exceptions, and various graphs and peer group comparisons. The report allows management and the Board of Directors to gain insight into the relative risk profile of your loan portfolio. We also include recommendations about individual loans and your underwriting and credit administration policies and procedures.

We have established stringent service standards to help you receive the high-quality, timely, and efficient service you deserve. For example, we hold an exit meeting with you prior to completing the fieldwork, so we can explain the details behind our findings and recommendations.

Why CLA?

  • You’ll receive resources from a national firm that will complete your review in a timely and efficient manner, and help you gain creditability with examiners.
  • Our loan review consultants are former lending officers, credit analysts, and examiners who will give you “real world” advice.
  • We go beyond the basic loan review — our consultants will not only provide you with sound business advice and recommendations, but can also give you sample policies, templates, or other materials to help you take corrective action based on findings within the report.

Experience the CLA Promise
