We have combined with professional services firm CliftonLarsonAllen (CLA) effective May 1, 2015.
As of May 1, find us at:
1715 North Westshore Boulevard
Suite 950
Tampa, FL 33607-3920
Phone 813-384-2700, Fax 813-384-2750
We have exciting news to share with you: we have combined with professional services firm CliftonLarsonAllen (CLA) effective May 1, 2015.
What does that mean for you? Other than learning our new name, it will be business as usual — however with a vast network of wealth advisory, outsourcing, and public accounting resources in the wings, should a need arise. See more about our telecom services at the links below.
We’re combining with CLA because of our common vision. We believe in providing maximum value to you. And, our relationships hinge on trust, a value that has been inherent to CLA since its inception.
Our current phone and fax numbers will automatically ring to the new location for a period of time. Our email addresses will migrate to a CLA format, however our existing email addresses will continue to function at this time.
We are very excited about the opportunities that lie ahead. You are the reason for our success, and we thank you for that. We look forward to serving you long into the future.